The random stuff from X thread

We have the same kind of bushes here, they line our highways and freeways both up, down, and sideways going across from end to end of the California central valley. They make the best hedges to block the sight and sound of cars and trucks going the opposite way on the other side of four lane divided highways.

I bet we have thousand miles of those bushes. I've been told that if one gets to climbing through them, they will sting with a nasty poison effect on one's skin.

I kind of doubt that. I don't know if that is true, but I do know that poison Oak and poison Ivy are very nasty, and they are different names for the same thing. Poison Ivy in the east coast, and poison Oak on the west coast, same plant, same thing.

But they aren't the same as those big highway bushes like in that photo. Those bushes also hide our highway signs.

Our cops also give tickets for not stopping when those stop signs are hidden by the bushes.

The town where Stanford University is real bad about setting up hidden stop sign traps for $500 tickets. Nasty cops, nasty town, they are.