90% of Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory

This country is doomed. Everyone needs to realize this. There is no putting the toothpaste back in the tube with this insanity. When a huge chunk of the population is no longer rational and has completely lost the plot and is so far removed from reality, you cannot have a functional society.

And as much as I'd like to say this is just whackos on the internet, it isn't. I've personally heard this "theory" from multiple people in my life over the last week. Some I was very shocked by.
So much this!!! When I first heard some of the preposterous claims about "man made hurricanes", I shrugged it off to people wanting some attention and saying crazy shirt. Then I saw more and more of it. People I know. Educated folks. That's when it hit me......we're screwed.

I shared a meteorologist's post about how it impossible for man to create and steer hurricanes. It was well written and detailed. I pretty much said "stop with the nonsense - here's the science". Well, to my surprise, more people commented in favor of the conspiracy theory than agreed it can't be done. Several were college educated and some I (used to) respect. I was totally caught off guard. I had no idea smart, educated people could fall for this type stuff. I'm still in disbelief.

Look, if you want to believe Oswald wasn't the lone gunman behind the JFK assassination, I can understand that. That particular conspiracy theory has a lot of angles and layers. It's plausible to think other actors were in play. It's not pie in the sky, per say. Creating hurricanes and steering them to certain areas of your own country for nefarious reasons is forking crazy talk. It's so far out there, it seems impossible anyone would buy it.....much less a large group of people. Many of which are normal, educated citizens. I'm floored. I don't know how to feel about this.