I don't want to blow it up, I want to clean it up and start building the future now. Adams isn't the future, he is some other teams past. The other players are under contract, but simply aren't good enough or young enough to get us there anymore. And I love a lot of those guys. DD is nearly done. He's 35 years old and blink away from falling off like Cam. HB is the same, he's going to lose a step against young guys soon. Taysom can't keep playing the way he's playing. He's too old and he gets hurt. Latt is great but is on and off disgruntled and about to get really expensive. It's not time to get older and more expensive.
I feel like you're hanging on to the present and I'm ready to get moving on to the future after a failed attempt at extending the success we had with Sean and Drew. It was a valiant effort, but I believe in our preseason prospects less and less every season and hope fades earlier every season.