
Oh? I’m curious as to why you seem so confident in this.

Why is what has happened since October 7th and what continues to happen now not a genocide? Not an extermination?

This is all old news. It was a cover so that Israel could keep slaughtering people and razing the land in Gaza.

They’re now doing the same in Lebanon.

But sure, if you think that this is about hostages - go ahead. It’s the official position of Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of the “world’s most moral army”.
What happened in Rwanda was genocide. Was the Nazis did during WW2 was genocide. What the Turks did to the Armenians in WW1 was genocide. All of these examples involved ethnic cleansing. This lie of genocide in Gaza was invented by Iran, swallowed by the left and media, to spread their propaganda.

What's incredible is that Hamas, Hezbollah, etc are taught from birth to hate Israel, the US, the West, Christians, etc. They have no freedom in their society; women are considered second class citizens. Most have no education. Yet, the "elite liberals" that supports Hamas are the very one those people hate. They would rather kill you than thank you. Yes, it is old news yet you are part of their propaganda. Hamas is the one that built tunnels under hospitals, schools, clinics, etc. They are using women and children as human shields. Hamas and their ilk are the worse of the worst; hopefully, educators here will wake up soon.
Additionally, I never said this was about hostages. What I said was if Hamas would like to stop the war, they will have to release the hostages. Will this end the hostilities, of course not-don't be so obtuse. Also, the bit about razing the land? It's full of war tunnels man!