Dennis Allen’s halftime speech vs Bucs??

After the game he told the team that “they need to look in the mirror”

Nobody wants to hear that.

If that's his version of accountability then it's as feckless as Dennis Allen's leadership and decision making ability.

There were plenty of things that should have been focused on such as an inability to run the ball, poor play calling by Kubiak, poor tackling, inability to pressure the QB or keep their rush lanes, poor defensive play calls, etc...the list is endless.

You don't say much other focus on adjustments, which the coaching staff did NONE of as the same cheeks play calls were still being hustled out there on offense and defense.

A team takes on the personality of it's 'leader' so the fans get to witness a prime example of a person who was promoted out of a position of relevance (Peter Principle) by a pride filled GM who lacks the humility to admit he messed up.