Saints are really lacking talent

Its lack of talent... I'm looking at the Lions roster with so much envy. Those guys are STACKED from top to bottom. They have some free agents sprinkled in their roster but for the most part their roster was built through the draft. They have drafted really well, and their coaches have developed them into really good and productive players. We can't say the same for the roster the Saints are throwing on the field.

Mediocre QB at best
Good running back (singular)
Zero TEs
decent duo at WR
couple Olinemen that was star-worthy but as a whole... mediocre at best oline

Defensively we have a bad-to-poor dline as a group. Bresee is a stud.
LB corps is mediocre at best
CBs are good... one guy is too grabby though
safeties are poor as a group

That roster won't contend for a super bowl... and if super bowls aren't the goal, then we need to clean house and start over (which I've been wanting to do since Drew retired).

I can't not blame the coaches for this too but they don't have much talent to work with. Whole staff needs to go. I would however like to see what Kubiak would do with some semblance of talent on the offensive side of the ball. Give me Kubiak with a DC like Jim Schwartz, and arm this team with studs on both sides like Detroit... we'd be scary.

You had me until the last line with Kubiak. Anyone who cannot figure out how to maximize the talents of the available players is only a pretender. I didn't like the hire in the summer. I purposely sat quiet the first two games because it wasn't a large enough body of work, but the last four games have shown his inability to make adjustments, scheme a solid game plan, and adjust to the talent of the fielded team.

The Saints lacked talent with Payton but he was so good that it didn't appear that way.....
I think you guys forget about Sean Payton's inability to field a defensive team which prevented Drew from receiving the accolades he deserved. How many losses in the playoffs were due to the poor play of defense? The beast quake in 2010 due to poor tackling. The 2011 loss to the Niners in the last seconds due to poor tackling? Or the 2017 loss to Minnesota on poor tackling (AGAIN). The list is long...

If Payton had fielded a defense that was ranked in the teens, Brees would be getting his rightful praise as the best of all time (over Brady). Drew Brees made this organization and Payton. The only thing the organization deserves credit for is taking a chance on a QB who wrecked his throwing shoulder going into FA.