Maybe Jon Gruden ends up being Saints HC?

I mean, to each his own, but the last time we tried a retread who had not coached in 10 years was....Mike Dikta. Hard pass.

That and if you want more Goodell shenanigans, just hire Gruden. We'll see far worse than anything during Payton's post bounty-gate tenure. Why take on that kind of baggage? Surely there are better options out there.
2021 is what 3 years ago not 10. And he’s been in the loop even at KC’s camp with Andy Reid this past offseason. And with us the year before and other teams. My whole point is that we need an experienced coach that is also a leader of men. That players want to play for, and it’s not just rah rah, whatever that is. It’s deeper than that, it’s passion. And passionate players want to play for passionate coaches. It’s a personality trait. Gruden has that in spades. Who do you suggest that is available or that could be available?