Ravens fan looking for Commanders fans to fight after their game. (Warning: Graphic)

His face need to be planted everywhere. No employer should ever consider him. Hope he gets arrested. In prison he can fight all he wants.
Hmm, looks to me like aggravated assault and battery. Add in, that the kids looked like minors. Aggravated assault and battery of a minor. That doesn’t sound good.

Some jurisdictions have moved away from the term battery and now only prosecute varying degrees of assault. In most states, a person commits assault and battery when they strike or attempt to strike another or when they act in a threatening manner to put another in fear of immediate harm.

Some states also have a separate category for aggravated assault or battery. There are many ways to heighten assault. For example, causing a serious bodily injury or using a deadly weapon are aggravating factors. Some jurisdictions consider intentionally harming vulnerable individuals to be aggravated assault.