Hot take: Loomis will never fire Dennis Allen

I agree that if DA can turn this around and get to 9 wins he's unfortunately getting another year because that would take the team getting really hot at some point and going on a streak of wins. But I think if it's 7 or 8 wins he likely loses his job because it will be seen as regression. At 6 wins or below, I think he's gone.

Unfortunately, I think we are headed for a 5 or 6 win season. Especially if they lose to the Broncos.

And I'm not one who hates DA or makes it personal, but it's his 3rd year and he has the staff, QB, and roster that he asked for. If it's not going to work this year, then I don't see how it works in year 4 with Demario, Tyrann, and AK a year older and Cam either retired or even more of a role player. I get that there are injuries, but DA had 3 years to prepare for that and we appear to be thinner than we were 3 years ago and at some point a HC either needs to figure out how to avoid injuries or figure out how to win despite them.

I think it's pretty common in the NFL for a HC to get 3 years to prove he is the right choice and then for teams to move on.
Accurate and yet the biggest determination of a coach keeping his job is the patience of the GM. The 3-4 year thing is standard but it's obvious that Loomis and Co don't work in a standard way all the way down to the salary cap. I detect Loomis has an unwavering belief in DA, at least for now and w/ the rash of injuries among other things, he's been provided w/ a built in excuse on why the team is currently underperforming.