I'm very, VERY disappointed in Loomis right now.

Mickey Loomis has been a joke of a GM from day one. He got lucky as heck after Katrina hit and basically had to beg Sean Payton to take the job as Head Coach, which made Mickey Loomis look like a genius, to Saints fans & the local media. Make no mistake Sean Payton ran this show entire time he was here not Mickey Loomis. Loomis was just the figure head to make what Sean wanted happen. Look how fast the Train has come off the tracks since Sean Payton has left.. Loomis now dealing with an out of control salary cap with an aging roster with string of Injuries every start of season & he attempting to patch the roster with below average players who also have injury history who already been on multiple teams and mostly why they were Free Agents to begin mainly because if their injury history. Then Loomis runs a sham Head Coaching search with all intentions of hiring Dennis Allen soon as Sean Payton was saying his goodbyes & now Loomis with his huge Ego does not want to admit he made huge mistake hiring this clown. Now Saints fans have to just shut up, Show up by Thousands in Superdome & stomach this garbage. The Local Media now has to even hope that fans give an ounce of care to even read their articles or listen to their Sports radio shows & podcast, as who even cares anymore as Saints fans as long as this franchise is ran by a bunch of clowns where Loomis says we have to look beyond the results concerning Dennis Allen. Unreal.