Maybe Jon Gruden ends up being Saints HC?

From what I heard it is still legally doable for him to coach but maybe not a good look. Gruden is the type that might not care at all how things look. As far as him not coaching for a while; I think he's at a point in his career and life where he can choose where he wants to be when he wants to. From the way he talks N'awlins is where he wants to be. The 'when' is the question mark.
I'm not so sure. Here's my hunch for what might happen. If the State Supreme Court reinstates the lawsuit, then the NFL will have their hands tied in trying to get the case thrown out or go to arbitration, which would be overseen by...Goodell, lol. If the lawsuit is allowed to be tried in court, they're gonna be in a world of hurt because a lot of the evidence will come out in discovery, which the NFL absolutely doesn't want to happen.

I think no matter the outcome, the NFL and Goodell will wait until the case is litigated completely, then I suspect they will take action against Gruden vis a vis suspension or banning. Goodell and the owners can't be happy with what Gruden is doing. It's going to be messy imo.