Boycott until Allen is removed

true fandom and that meaning is different for everyone, if you decide that it isn't in your best interest to suffer and sit through this horrible torture then it doesn't make you any less of a fan. I used to think if you didn't sit through the whole game, you weren't a true fan but that has changed my time is important and if I have better things to do, I will definitely go do it. Definitely more power to you if you can sit through it. It's not weird it's your way of being a fan.
Absolutely agree. Wasn’t trying to come across as a better fan than anyone else. Just my unique way of “fanning”. I was very abused as a kid and the Saints were like my way out, my super hero….hard to explain. They never left me so I’ll never leave them.

Only fans I don’t respect are the fair weather who jump from front runner to front runner. Other than those types I certainly don’t wanna gatekeep or tell folks how to fan.