There's no easy way out of this

I agree with this.

Also, don’t want to start a new thread….watching MI and folks on Gameday show….they had a segment on the Indiana coach….I’d never heard of him, his “I win, google me.” quote was awesome.

Urban Meyer then said something very poignant to me which made me think of DA:
“Players want to play for confident coaches.” “Coaches who aren’t confident create players who aren’t confident.”

I wanted DA to prove me wrong and finally have some success as a head coach, sadly it hasn’t happened. This team is an on field reflection of DA imo. Lifeless, apathetic, no accountability, zero fire. DA is quite literally a living glass of luke warm milk.

Time for a change. (After the books are close to clean) Take Mickey with ya on the way out.

The first time I saw footage of DA nervously stuttering and saying “um” repeatedly in front of the group, barely making coherent sense and speaking in cliches, I knew we were in for an odd ride.