So a brand new fire station in Germany burned down

Also useful for blowing up Cyberdyne
Great reference

Think of fire as a triangle. It needs 3 sides to exist. Heat,Oxygen,and something to burn. You remove any part of that
triangle a fire willl die.

Common structure fires built with wood are fought with water. They take away the heat,

Forest fires are fought with fire breaks with bulldozers. You take away something to burn and the fire will extinguish
itself. It works well in flatland like MS,but ineffective in moutaineous area like California.

Magnesium and Lithium fires require removing the oxygen . Those require highly specialized fire fighters and
equipment. If a restaurant has a grease fire that sets off a dry chemical extinguisher a HAZMAT team has to
be called in for cleanup.

Nerd facts for the day. I will go now.