The undesirable but most likely reality.

Dang man… I spent like 10 minutes composing that post and it looks like I’m not changing hearts and minds… 😂🤣😂
I agree with Mickey that we have to look beyond the results. Stats don't always tell the story and neither do records. Take the Lions a few years ago when Dan Campbell was turning around the Lions. They were losing almost every week, but they were very competitive and they were losing late in the 4th quarter (I think one of the games was against the Ravens when Justin Tucker hit a 66 yard FG at the end to win it for them).

With that said, I don't think Mickey is relaying the message he thinks he is. Many of us ARE looking beyond the results/record and it's actually a worse situation. When looking at a coach, I want to see someone who inspires their team, the players play hard, and the coach is in control. I see none of that with DA.

The defense, which is what Allen is known for, has all but folded up its tent and gone home. They have quit. I see very few guys out there playing inspired football. So many on both sides of the ball are just going through the motions. And, then there's the debacle of DA talking to the media about this clusterfu...clusterbomb. I find it dumbfounding that the reason given for the defense's play is they need to get back to fundamentals on tackling. Um, these guys are professionals in a game they have been playing since they were kids, and the fundamentals are taught in pee-wee football.

So, DA is a bad head coach, not a leader, and his bread and butter defense is a sieve. He needs to go.