There's no easy way out of this

You can't give Campbell very much credit for the Lions turnaround, He's the Ogeron of the NFL. Having multiple high draft choices from sucking for many yrs and also getting a boat load of 1's and 2's and Goff for trading Stafford was the beginning. Having a very good GM and drafting very well (having all those high picks helped ). THEN and here is where his success lies , he has a great OC and a good DC in Johnson and Glenn
Sure their GM deserves some Recognition but DC is maximizing the talent of his team. His team is taking in his persona/energy. Goff wasn’t wanted by his team that drafted him. So he’s a castoff, which no one ever expected Goff to be playing at this level. Montgomery was giving his walking papers. Williams was blasted by DC during his rookie year before he got his head in the game. If you can’t see the difference between how the goals and matched energy is different between DC and you know who, then I can’t help you. One team has completely bought in and the other is freefalling when not beating up on bad teams. Maybe, you know who, should give up his play calling duties on defense, and get the heck out of the way, bc he is a dang roadblock. Let’s not talk about drafting bc last year and this year, we still had premium picked players all across our Oline (Ruiz, McCoy, Penning, and now Fugua this year). We have Olave and an All Pro in Shaeed. We have AK41, TH7. He got his castoff in DC4. The defense was all his. He isn’t maximizing the talent. He isn’t getting them to buy in. There’s something off with him bc he can get them to beat up bad teams, but we can’t even beat good teams, when we should. That’s not a talent issue. That’s a coaching issue