There's no easy way out of this

Why wouldn't we? He's a losing coach; that's his MO. Great coaches find a way to survive through adversity, so the injury argument does hold water to me. This is who the deer is. We beat the worst team in the league and a questionable team in Dallas. I know you're not trying to make excuses for him, but I don't think we underrepresent how bad of a decision it was to hire such a bad coach, and Loomis knew he was a lousy coach but did it anyway.
LOL since you highlighted part of my post I want to give you a lil exercise.
Go to your keyboard type out a paragraph and time yourself. Now do the same thing only you have to use ONE hand and see if you typed just as fast. That's what it's like when a team is decimated by injuries and at key positions.
Myself nor anyone else is saying DA is a great coach. Belichick had a losing record before he went to N.E. Pete Carrol was fired from 2 HC jobs in the NFL before he went to Sea. I'm not saying he's either of them. In fact I've already given my assessment of DA. But just because a HC failed at one destination does not automatically mean he's a bad HC I just gave 2 example of that.
You are making a determination of DA and disregarding the ENORMOUS amount of injuries we have just like the one handed typist