The undesirable but most likely reality.

Somebody will take the job but then everyone will be disappointed cuz they didn’t get one of the top candidates and when he goes 7-10 due to bad bad cap, average QB and several aging vets that you can’t cut because of of accelerated cap hits, everyone will be calling for his head…. So what did you gain?
We have to rebuild. We have to, there's no other way with all these aging vets and our cap situation. We can't rebuild with DA and his stuff. Good luck selling that to the fan base. I think everyone stands behind a young team trying to establish a new era, even with many hickups and some wild punches in the stomach. It won't happen without some bad growing paines from time to time. But I rather support a young team who plays with heart and passion, then watching some banged up vets who refuse to tackle and play against their HC. DA's time is over. The patience in the fanbase is over with him.