Bucs lose WR Chris Godwin for the season

Bowles said that Chris wanted to stay in the game. It’s a decision where you honor the player, but something very unfortunate happened. Now they both have to live with the decision

If he doesn’t get injured, they only need one more completion to be to kick the field goal and try the onsides kick. Who here hasn’t in their football lives seen games that get crazy and flip result in the end because the team that was down played out the end-game better than the team that was up?

Most sports have an end-game. As long as you are within a certain scenario based on time and point differential, you keep trying. That’s the essence of competition.

Certainly if there wasn’t a reasonable end-game scenario for them, yeah it would be something to criticize - but down 10 points with a minute left and you’re moving the ball practically at-will means you play it out.