Excellent post.
An average team is only a couple picks and improvements away from good and one more surprise and you can be great. An average team is only one or two injuries away from weakness and coaching can only go so far to compensate.
The line between good and great and good and terrible is pretty damn thin.
Before injuries we were good. After we are horrible and much of that is due to the sheer volume of injuries. Missing Davis for a game coupled with Werner was bad. The DL has really been underperforming, but if the O can't do anything then you're bad. Maybe with the injury report getting better we go back to average. Maybe we get back to good, but blaming the freaking coaches for missing 8 starters on offense is misguided.
Still, whatever happened to this D is confusing. It could be as simple as the O can't keep them off the field, but it's astounding.