Anyone miss Sean Payton now even the biggest detractors?

Fair enough, will have to agree to disagree on this one.

All I’ll say though is that Loomis is a massive egomaniac. I just can’t believe he’s continuing to back Allen because Payton endorsed him (completely get you aren’t saying that but that’s effectively what he’s doing). He’s doing it out of a misguided sense of loyalty and because he thinks he’s smarter than the rest of us.
Loomis time is up too, or should be.

He was never a true football guy. He's admin. business man and always took his cue's from the coach. Gives lots of leash and tries to give the coach what he wants. He was no check on Payton's worst instincts with the defense. No counterweight like a Jim Finks would have been. I mean, when Allen wanted DeShaun Watson Loomis was trying to make it happen...