Nick Underhill: Players organizing a Players-Only Meeting

A lil bit ago it was a bad thing that the QB didn't call protections. But I guess those goalposts shifted. Oh well further discussion needed on that.

Personally I think it is a bad thing if the QB isn't capable of calling protections. A big reason the Saints got away with having just about anyone on the offensive line in the Brees era was because he called all the protections.

I think the big "issue" is the majority of QBs in the league aren't capable of calling protections and also running the offense. With "Air Raid" college spread offense being so rampant now, even elite college QB prospects are often coming from a system that involved minimal thinking from the QB.

Belichick said the key to beating the Rams in the Super Bowl the Saints were robbed of, was he realized Goff couldn't read defenses or call protections. The Patriots defense didn't line up in their actual formation until the speakers to the coach were cut off. It turned Goff into a 🦌