Nick Underhill: Saints Might Not Move on from DA
I get what Loomis is doing right now: he is trying to right the ship in the public eye. No executive is going to admit that their business/organization/team is failing. They will always try to pump what they have. Loomis is no dummy with regards to business. He knows that if Dennis Allen doesn’t win and is retained, not only will it look bad but sales will suffer and that’s when things go bad. Companies only listen to two things: money and turnover. Money is the driving force for this one. He know that if DA comes back, ticket sales will plummet which in turn means that concession sales will plummet.
He is attempting to stay positive in the face of constant negativity. Look, my view of Loomis is fading as I believe that Drew Brees and Sean Payton were the catalysts for the Saints success during that time. Loomis was the beneficiary of those two. I’ve stated before that he is a hell of an accountant but one for talent? Eh….
I just cannot believe that the Saints will retain Dennis Allen for the 2025 season. If the Saints are one thing, it is meticulous. They take time and are calculated in their moves. The team is undisciplined and that is squarely on coaching so Loomis is not blind. He’s an executive and many if not all higher up’s get there by being very calculating.
No point it making the coach look worse than he already is so, put on the brave face and tow the line……..