Should have kept Jameis

Stans gonna stan.

The evaluators that actually matter work for NFL teams and not a single one of them deemed this player a starter. Cold, hard empirical evidence beats what you want to be true 100% of the time.
Then he enters the week as a starter and has their best performance of the season. But with that being said, we know that the goal post will get moved to make what actually happens on the field anecdotal.

Again, evaluators that have never played the sport in their life or those that have played and won on at the highest level. Who do you believe holds the most weight?

I know you did not just compare Winston to Drew…My point is, if you settle for the 28 or 32nd ranked QB, it’s a situation you’re trying to get out of. If Carr started performing in the same tier as a guy like Flacco, we would all be rooting to get out of that situation.
Yall get in your feelings quick when anybody say anything about Drew. lol. Who compared him to Drew? I just mentioned that he was 3 years older than Drew when he signed here. Also, I'm not a victim to hindsight. We both (noticing your age) were around then and with the injury that Drew had, nobody expected him to give us the kind of years that he did, let alone 15. Saying you did would be akin to