2 HS students from NOLA shake up the world of math in a huge way...

I think you're likely very right about this.

I have seen some discussions in math circles (yes, there are math circles I travel in) that some of the proofs may need much more work in order to verify uniqueness without circular logic. Initial peer review of the original work was well-done but was not widespread. There is a lot to be discussed and argued about the proofs they have developed.

REGARDLESS - these young ladies have been brilliant and methodical in their approach and have caused a truckload of discussion. In and of itself, their recognition and awards have been appropriate so far.
I know I'm right, since anything Fields medal worthy, would not be able to be comprehended by me :)

I've read it a few times ... while I don't think its complete nonsense I'm really failing to see the real impact. There have been hundreds of proofs, many of which are much more intuitive and do not involve trig, only geometric constructions and algebra (which they also use)

I might do a full takedown of the paper if I feel up to it