Nick Underhill: Players organizing a Players-Only Meeting

But there is this clear misogynist undertone to all the criticism about Gayle Benson that boils down to "she's a woman, she can't possibly know about or care about football" and she just got the money because she found a sugar daddy when he was old. But it's guised as "she's an interior decorator".

And the idea that a woman can't possibly know about or care about football is demonstrably not true about many women, especially southern women.

Shiela Ford Hamp's team is kicking butt so a woman can definitely run a football team. Gender makes no difference. The difference is that she has a presence and is actively involved in the team processes. The GM is not a pseudo-owner telling fans to look past results, Holmes actually has to do a good job or I imagine she will replace him.

The big contracts to unproductive players draggint the team down, the abuse of the cap, lack of depth, missed draft picks, hiring DA, signing Carr, even the injuries to some extent: these all fall on one person, Loomis and yet he doesn't accept his mistakes.