Trans athletes make great gains, yet resentment still flares

I'll accept that premise.

From the Mayo clinic: "Phalloplasty carries a high rate of complications. It could require many follow-up surgeries. Depending on the procedure, recovery might take up to 12 weeks. The new penis will not become erect with sexual stimulation. A penile implant is needed to allow penetrative sex."
So any assumption that bottom surgery, phalloplasty, gives a FTM trans person our now defined "fully functional penis" is a fallacy.

As far as standing up to pee, I mean, technically a woman can stand up to pee, we just can't direct it.
Metoidioplasty is a gender affirming, lower body (bottom) surgery. The procedure creates a penis about 4 to 6 centimeters long using the clitoris, which may be enlarged by hormone therapy. The surgery can be completed in stages, each performed a few months apart, depending on the patient’s objectives.

Metoidioplasty: What Happens​

The first step is enlarging the clitoris with a year (or more) of hormonal therapy with testosterone.
Once the clitoris is enlarged, the surgeon performs a procedure to cut the ligaments that surround the clitoris to free it from the pubic bone.
The released clitoris is used to create a penis that can become erect without the need of a penile implant.
Surgeons connect the urethra (the passageway through which urine leaves the body) so the patient can urinate while standing. The urethra may be lengthened using local tissues or grafted tissue from elsewhere.
A scrotum (the sac that holds the testicles) can be formed using skin from the outer labia (the vulva’s outer lips).
Three to six months after creating the penis:
fatty tissue near the penis can be removed to enhance the appearance of length, in some cases.

(sorry for this post looking so janky with the quotes, i had to do it from my phone since i didn't really want to pull this website up on my work computer..)