Nick Underhill: Saints Might Not Move on from DA

I don't think that's a fair assessment. Most owners aren't football people, and almost certainly not at the level to run a successful franchise for any length of time. That's why they hire competent GMs to run the show. A competent GM hires a competent coach and talent scouts, and trusts those folks to do their job they were hired to to; just like the owner trusts the GM to run the football operation.

I don't blame the owner for this least not yet. I blame the GM. And after 3 years of this circus, I fully expect that GM to make an attempt to rectify the situation between now and early January. If the plan is to "be patient" yet again, then I would expect the owner to say "no...unacceptable" and find a new GM. ML has had 2 seasons after DAs initial season to fix problems. Let's give the owner a similar time frame with the GM that the GM gave the HC. We don't need to "fire everybody". We just need at least 1 (HC) or possibly 2 (GM & HC) calculated hires to see improvement, IMO. I hope it happens...and maybe it's already in the works? I just hope the HEAT continues...

I mostly agree with you, however, I'm not willing to absolve Gayle as much as you are. "Who watches the watchers" is a phrase that comes to mind. I agree that the GM should take the majority of the burden off the owner, but if that GM has proven to be a significant part of the problem then that is when the owner should step in. That's assuming we are talking about the owner of a competently run NFL franchise.