Mascona has had enough (so have I)

I've heard better opinions about the state of the team on here and without having to act like an butt crevasse and a tool to give them.

And he's no more honest than anyone else covering the team, he just doesn't have to abide by journalistic ethics or decency so he can say whatever he wants about anyone and some people will love it because they don't care about actual discussions. They just want to hear someone else express the same rage and hatred that they posses over grown men playing a game for lots of money.

If that's your thing fine. You probably also like Jim Rome, Stephen A. Smith, etc. But that's not my taste. He caters to the lowest common denominator. It's not that he's honest he just says what he thinks his listeners want to hear so he gets better ratings and hits. And that' makes people think he is honest because if he agrees with them he must be honest.

Which is of course his choice and your choice if you want to listen to it. But don't pretend he knows more, is more honest, or is more right than the actual media or even fans on this site. He just has a bigger mouth and a bigger platform.