Police Shootings / Possible Abuse Threads [merged]

Now, a story out of Florida that should infuriate everyone:

LAKELAND — Less than an hour after being raped by her adoptive father along the side of a country road, the 13-year-old girl stood in the darkness, clutching the cell phone that held video and photographic evidence of his crime.

Preparing to dial 911, the girl paused, thinking back to a year earlier, when she had gone to law enforcement to report Henry Cadle’s sexual abuse, only to have an investigator from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office accuse her of lying.

Taylor Cadle worried: Would that happen again? Still, she overcame her fears and made the call in 2017, and hours later she saw Henry Cadle being led from their home in handcuffs, the last time she would ever see him.

Taylor Cadle remained anonymous until Tuesday night, when PBS NewsHour carried a 10-minute segment exploring her story in a manner critical of the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. The story has since spread on social media, gaining more than 1 million views on TikTok as of Friday.

“It’s definitely scary but also, like, very shocking that it has reached this much attention,” Taylor Cadle said.

The NewsHour segment emphasized that Taylor felt it necessary to gather evidence on her own to prove that her adoptive father had raped her. She took those brave actions knowing that about a year earlier, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office not only declined to arrest Henry Cadle but charged Taylor with filing a false report.

At the suggestion of her adoptive mother — Henry Cadle’s wife — Taylor pled guilty. As part of her probation, she was required to write letters of apology to Henry Cadle and to Polk County Sheriff’s Deputy Melissa Turnage, the officer who interviewed her after the original complaint.