He was afraid of Winston which is why he never turned back to him. First off the way he handled “benching” Winston was chicken poop. He was hurt no doubt so we switched to Dalton as we should have for a couple of weeks maybe even 3, but when Andy went pick machine before the half vs. the Cardinals in AZ that would have been a good time to switch back, instead we get his catch phrase, I told him to “keep doing what your doing”.
He picked Andy because he figured he would play the position like a 71 year old grandmaw behind the wheel of a car. Slow, steady and safe was his plan with Dalton.
After the loss in Arizona we were sitting at 2-5. If Winston gets back in and goes off DA looks like a moron. So we “keep doing what we are doing” and we keep loosing. That Ravens loss in the dome where we just couldn’t get anything going along with the game vs. the Steelers was really the point of no return Andy was a dud. He turned to him because he was “safe” but in that 4 week stretch he threw 6 picks.
Winston got a raw deal that year. Saints fans have been getting a raw deal since he took over as head coach.