Besides Ms B closing the book on Allen, the loudest message today was...
Your comments are also filled with conjecture. ML could have kept DA through 2025 if it was up to his own arrogance. I keep telling fans like you but for some reason people want to not defend Loomis but act as if he wasn’t the guy that passed over a few very qualified candidates and decided that DA was the right guy to lead this team to win championships. His words. I don’t doubt what you are saying that ML believed that DA wasn’t the issue. The issue is ML being delusional enough to think that a guy that never took a team to the playoffs as a coach could do it and with the same mediocre QB that was with both franchises. So yeah I don’t doubt his beliefs I doubt his understanding of where this organization really was, hoiw the players felt, and to keep signing off on bad dead money deals for decent players that make it hard to even trade for draft picks guys like Lattimore or Kamara. We’d pay a team to trade for those guys. It’s absolutely insane. Any other GM that has done and not accomplished anything in over a decade if at all would have been replaced by now
Well said. But despite all that, I could still look past MLs actions and see the situation through his perspective AT THE TIME THOSE DECISIONS were made. I can connect the dots and see the picture he saw. So I can give him a pass for that. He took swings, he just kept missing.
What I CANNOT overlook is the fact that he allowed this situation to fester as long as it did, through his inaction, or through his failure to consider additional information brought to his attention. As the GM, he is supposed to have his finger on the pulse of this team. He CLEARLY did not, and does not. We supposedly have an "absentee owner" who "doesn't know football" and simply "rubber stamps" whatever ML asks of her. And yet that owner was able to poke around in the locker room, establish a rapport with players, and identify an issue that was OVERDUE for attention. And if that wasn't enough, SHE took the appropriate action. How was our "absentee, rubber-stamp owner who doesn't know football" able to identify this issue so quickly, when the GM continued to dismiss the stockpiling evidence that tens of thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of fans were SCREAMING and POINTING at for over 2 years. This didn't happen quickly. Loomis had MANY opportunities to remedy the situation, and refused. For reasons known only to him. It took Mrs. B less than 14 days.
THAT is a problem. I can't overlook that. It took Mrs. B less than 2 weeks to investigate and conclude that action was required, and then took that action. At best, ML had concluded to wait until season's end, after Rome had completely burned to the ground. There's also a very real possibility he would have done NOTHING, as he did at the end of 2022 and 2023 seasons. At best, he was negligent. At worst, he was willfully negligent and careless. Neither are acceptable.
Mrs. B is now doing the GM job for ML, taking action ML was trying to avoid. If the owner has to do the GM job for the GM, that GM is no longer needed. I think ML deserves to finish the season with his pride intact (after 23 years of notorious service and a SB championship), then get retired or another "front office only" role, and find a GM with personnel chops. I hope Harley is retained, as I think he's valuable, but I don't want to see him as next GM as I think he's just ML part wizard, no personnel skills. When you're keeping a championship window open and trying to retain key pieces, an argument can be made for a "financial GM", but we aren't that team anymore. When you're trying to build your team into championship caliber, you need the PERSONNEL to do it. Find a GM with personnel skills!