CSP got blown out this past Sunday 41-10. His team had a 40 Burger dropped on them while His Genius could only muster up 10 points.
Denver is 23rd in scoring in 2024 through 9 weeks. Even with all the injuries and turmoil the Saints rank 15th.
In 2023 Denver ranked 20th in scoring. The Saints ranked 10th.
Having watched the Saints 2023 and 2024 offense and knowing that they rank significantly higher than the Broncos it's hard to imagine getting excited about them.
Way too many people here have selective memory when it comes to CSP.
The "Ambush" call in the SB was genius because it worked. The ball hit a Colts player first and bounced back into play. Imagine had it not worked and cost the Saints the SB. That one play set the tone for victory. That can never be taken away from CSP. Neither can winning a ton of games as HC for the Saints before he quit with burnout or so he claimed before returning to the sidelines just 10 months later. His legacy in NOLA is carved in stone forever. 15 years is a long time ago though.
When will the WWSPD ever end?