Saints fired Dennis Allen

Borrowing a little is fine. Maxing out is the problem. It is the only problem we are discussing. Not borrowing. Maxing. You can not max out in case of disaster.

and for the last time..... This year is not every year. THIS YEAR is the exact example we have been complaining about for years. THIS YEAR... NOT EVERY YEAR. THIS YEAR... and you can say... BUT Covid ruined the cap.... and the response is NO sheet covid cap year is exactly the type of sheet we are griping about.

So Mickey Loomis, a CPA with his accounting degree and finance background and years of experience, demonstrating each year that we can achieve compliance and sign free agents, including the highest paid FA a year ago when we were nearly $100 million over this supposed “salary cap,” says it is overblown. Also, Khai Harley, a CPA who also was in charge of league cap compliance as well as player contract approvals at the league level and knows all the ins and outs of achieving compliance says it is overblown and just a complex accounting project, but fans on SR, and all their intricate detailed knowledge of our internal books and long term plans, know better. Got it. 😂