Dad suffered a stroke, won't go into details but let's just say he wasn't the same after that. Mom had early onset dementia and lived with me, my wife and kids for the last year of her life because she couldn't be on her own. Did it suck? Yep, would money make it better, nope but I can guarantee you both of them would've gone through it all again x 1000 if they knew their kids and grandkids never had to worry about a light bill again in their lives. Everyone dies, a lot die slow painful deaths, that's life. What I and I'm sure many don't want is to die like that and be a financial and physical burden to my children and grand children. I wouldn't sell my soul for 500 million dollars but I'd sure allow a lobotomy for that money knowing that was one less thing my children had to worry about. Life ends, that's kinda life.