You pay a scientist/doctor/"expert" millions of dollars, they'll say exactly what they are paid to say.
Tyson is going get hit financially from this, big time. They are the number one food producer so the only way to go from the top is down. They thought they were invincible. Nope. They just got caught. The other lawsuits that will pop up from this are going to take years to sort through. Lawyers from every corner of the country are going to pounce on them. "My client got sick from contaminated water." "My client's pets and farm animals died from your contaminants." It is only beginning. And then there is the damage control that Tyson is going to have to spend to get them out of this PR nightmare.
Tyson will have their sacrificial firings under the file of "these individuals responsible, directly and indirectly, are no longer part of the Tyson family. We are extremely disappointed what happened and we will do everything to regain your trust." They will fire a plant manager or two, send them off with a fat severance check, but never never will anyone in the Tyson front office accept responsibility nor feel the pain, financially, of what is to come. They will deflect and point the finger but will not say that they did it knowingly. The kicker is "not knowing" and "choosing not to know" are two different animals. Profits override safety and doing the right thing every time.
And the kick in the pants? Tyson will raise prices on all their food items to offset the coming losses. Oh, yes. They will..........