HB71 - Requires Louisiana Schools to display the 10 commandments passes with Bipartisan Support 82 - 19

So dont know any of the 10 Commandments, dont know anything about the Establishment clause, but do know they dont like the ruling by the court?

welcome to 2024 and the information reduction era.

They dont care for the ruling because they only know what they read/hear from their preferred method of info gathering. Which, id have to suspect, is either Instagram or TikTok. ( or family )

Could also be that they are 17/18 and see this as a court being activist and ruling that something approved by a vote can’t be done. It can be a reflexive feeling against a sort of intrusion.

For kids that haven’t learned yet about how the Constitution works with respect to minority rights, that’s not an irrational response I don’t think.