Eddie Murphy to play George Clinton

"that exceeds what is necessary or normal," early 15c., from Latin superfluus "unnecessary," literally "overflowing, running over," from superfluere "to overflow," from super "over" (see super-) + fluere "to flow" (see fluent). The earlier form was superflue (late 14c.), from Old French. Related: Superfluously; superfluousness; superfluent; superfluence.

also from early 15c.
I had a few pointed things to say and I fully realize sometimes it might come across as borish, annoying or long-winded, but as someone with bad OCD who maybe has a habit of trying to be overly specific in explaining detailed information on a variety of interconnected issues, it can be difficult to compact or restrict the amount or flow of words to where I lose people.

Still, Guido, if I were to have some flaws, I'd rather have an obsessiveness to getting things right, providing detailed information about a variety of historical issues/topics and be regarded and respected as someone who SR posters can say "Yes, he might be an annoying AF MF, and tiresome occasionally, but he has a good heart, he wants to do good, listen to different points of view because I might genuinely learn something, and he knows what he's talking about" then coming across as unintelligent, ill-informed, ignorant and stupid. I believe in moderation and I do have a filter compared to the knee-jerk, impulsive reactions that were sort of my trademark about 15-20 years ago on SR.