Pat Kirwan thinks Aaron Glenn will be next Saints head coach

We’re 70 million over next years cap and the year hasn’t even started yet. So we’re going to have to reinvest and extract 70M from our current roster which slightly better than average. From players that we’ve routinely extracted from for years. And because they are at the end of their careers, they are dried up. (Can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip) So we’ll have people on our team taking up roster spots and they won’t contribute. (Ram and Cam) We all agreed on our cap management style so I’m not upset. But even this style has an end point. And we’ve reached it.
We have been hearing that this is the end point for many years now. At some point people will realize that the future is infinite. It doesn’t matter, at least not to the degree people make it out to be.

A Derek Carr restructure, and a Cam and RR retirement with a June 1 designation puts us at the cap number…it’s that simple. We can create more than $100 million in cap space this off-season if we so choose. Stop freaking out about what a single upcoming accounting year looks like and focus on what the next several years looks like.

Now if you were to tell me we are projected to be $70 million-plus over the cap for the next five seasons, then at that point it would be time to freak out.

The cap is not a one year prism. It is a multi-year accounting project in which new years are constantly being added to the back end of it and can not only be extracted from, but you are allowed to be way over the cap in those future years, always.

It’s an endless loop with endless ways to extract from those future years whenever you need to. You do have to be responsible with it and plan with great foresight, and your team won’t get some sort of unheard of advantage from it…my point is you can accomplish the same things with how we do it that other teams do, and other teams are just as restricted as we are from making certain moves, just with different window dressing and optics because they are more focused on keeping their single year cap outlook healthy where as we are looking to keep our five year outlook healthy and easy to manipulate.