What More Must Taysom Hill Do Before He Retires To Be Considered An NFL Hall Of Fame Player?

Well, Tasker was a five-time All-Pro mostly ST/occasional WR, punt returner and 7-time Pro Bowler overall throughout his 12-year career. He's been inducted into the Buffalo Bills Wall of Fame and he's considered one of their 50th best players in franchise history. He was part of 4 consecutive Bills teams to play and lose in a Super Bowl. He's considered one of the best special teams players of all-time and has been on the NFL's HOF semi-finalist list for induction since late 2000's.

I liked Steve Tasker as a Special Teams Player and rooted for him when he got his occasional opportunities at WR.

Those are all very good accomplishments. The 5 Time All-Pro nod is the most impressive. However, you didn't list a single NFL Record for review. :unsure:

Pro Bowls are widely viewed as popularity contests. Many players get voted to the Pro Bowl over and over on name recognition alone, especially those in large markets. Not saying Buffalo is a large market. It's similar to New Orleans. However, being seen by every NFL fan in the World playing in 4 consecutive Super Bowls certainly helps fan recognition. The Bills had a heck of a run during that era. Most NFL fans recognized as many Bills players as their home team players.

More to your point, if Steve Tasker has been on the NFL's HOF Semi-Finalists List for Induction since the late 2000s that bodes well for Taysom Hill once he retires.