What More Must Taysom Hill Do Before He Retires To Be Considered An NFL Hall Of Fame Player?

Using a person a handful of times out of necessity doesnt make them a utility player.

The Patriots have had Randy Moss and Edleman play DB a handful of times, you wouldn't describe them as a "uitility player." JJ Watt has lined up at tight end a few times, he's not a utility player. Mike Vrable has 10 TD receptions as a TE, Bink Saunders has lined up at Full back.


This is a weird hill :sneaky: to die on.

Steve Tasker WAS NOT a utility player anymore than Michael Lewis was a Utility player.

I suppose I just have a different definition of "utility player". They don't necessarily have to be very good or great at it but if a player does occasionally play multiple positions whether on ST, offense, or even defense whether out of necessity or he's really good at it, IMHO they fall into that category. Same logic applies for past players like Deion Sanders, Tim Brown, and Darrell Green.

Agree to disagree. I did have a good conversation with you, nonetheless.