Week 14 Betting Thread

Barnes (updated)
NFL 88-64
NCAA 92-76
MLB 10-5
NCAAB - 4-1

Bonchie (updated)
NFL 36-27

KennaKid (updated)
NFL 42-37
NCAA 29-12
NBA - 0-1

NFL 13-20

NFL 2-11
NCAA 5-8

ElCaliente (Updated)
NFL 16-18
NCAA 12-20

NFL 9-8
NCAA 4-6
MLB 1-0

Tim Martin (Updated)
NFL 5-4
NCAA 3-4

NFL 48-45
NCAA 5-4

Deuce (Updated)
NCAA 1-2
NFL 1-0

Kewinn89 (Updated)
NFL 12-12
NCAA 27-20
MLB 3-5
NBA 9-11
NCAAB - 11-17

NFL - 1-3

NFL 1-0
NCAA 2-2
Updated all I could find going back to week 11 or 12 except for Noble. I will let him post what he is at and I will just go with that because that was too many plays for me to count hahahaha