Questionable calls caught on camera.

What is the reason? Who would benefit from swaying games? Who is swaying it? Is it Godell? Is it a couple of owners? Are the players in on it? Are the refs?

If it's for money, no one would risk the amount of money the NFL makes to rig/sway games. Could it be on a micro level? Sure, 1 ref or 1 player acting with someone on the gambling-side. No problem with that. Outside of that, no way the amount of scrutiny the NFL is under and the amount of people that would be involved would be able to keep it quiet.

If it's to sway games to more popular teams. Dallas Cowboys, enough said. No reason to sway games. Parity is what they seek and 32 teams with a chance every season is what they want and collectively brings the most value to the league.

Yeah but look at all the bad calls! Game is too subjective and too fast and too reliant on human beings that make mistakes. NFL doesn't have any incentive to fix it btw. Controversial calls engender a deeper connection to your team. If you live/die with your team and feel like the world is against us, well that just means your going to yell about it louder which increases the global footprint of the NFL.

I could go on but some random reddit guy: "
It's ridiculous and impossible. The sheer number of people who would have to be involved that wouldn't say a word, the owners of other teams all acting in concert, and the fact that they would all be risking real jail time for what would amount for a few million for each owner over just letting things play out the way they would have anyways.

But we are at a time now where everyone can say whatever they want without having having to explain themselves or answer any questions. So they can echo chamber these conspiracy theories without the slightest scrutiny."
Great post.

Why would the NFL rig games for the Chiefs? They're one of the smallest media markets in the league.
Kc wins because Mahommes is a great Qb and their defense is 5th in the league.