
And that's the really sad part of it all. Nobody knows what is real and what isn't anymore. It should be clear to everyone what is fake or misleading and nobody should have trouble universally defining it, but we have been gaslit so much that people can't tell anymore and it's nearly impossible to truly fact check anything because the sources for fact checking have been gaslit too.

And frankly, the problem is us. People believed everything they read or saw for so long it was easy for the gaslighters to come in and make us all believe anything they want. And, we all like to believe that we are the exception and we can't be fooled but we all can and we all are.
I mean, that's true but I am laughing at the ignorance of the "legacy media" (whatever the heck THAT even is these days) as they struggle with how irrelevant they are becoming. For people in the business of media to be so slow to realize what the rest of us do, that people get their "news" online from podcasts and social media and not from cable or TV news anymore, is the problem. We listened to the newscasters for years because we trusted that they knew more than we, the plebeians, knew. So the problem, more and more, seems to be "them".