Renewed debate over autism/vaccine link
I'm interested to see who Larry King brings on tonight to discuss this. Surely he'll have the neurologist/nurse husband and wife, but what "experts" will appear? I wonder if the famous grandmother will be on and if she'll have changed her stance toward vaccines at all over this ruling.
We know a lot of people who are adamant about the vaccine thing. We have always been somewhat ambiguous toward it, though Kellye made very sure that thimerosol wasn't in the vaccines given to our younger kids when they got vaccines (some of which we put off until later and we had separate the giving of them rather than so many at once), so we certainly felt it was an important enough factor to try to avoid. Whether it really played a part in oldest son's condition, I don't suppose we'll ever know for sure.
At the very least, I'm glad the preservative is gone. Injecting a child even with small amounts of a mercury-based substance couldn't be helpful at any rate.