No Way Rizzi can be our HC

Yeah, we were always going to lose to the Rams with all our injuries and the talent deficit. I'm honestly surprised that the score turned out that close. And, if they had converted in the redzone in the first half, things might have been different. So, I think Rizzi has earned an interview.

Honestly there is just a part of me that wants a totally new start with a clean slate. And while I like Rizzi, he isn't a fresh start. But if he is the worse case scenario, it's not a bad option and could even turn out to be great.

As a side note, I want to hire whoever does the talent evaluation for the Rams. They just keep hitting in the draft year after year. Nakua, Williams, Verse, Fiske, Speights, etc.
Not only that, the Rams are one of the youngest teams in the NFL. They're definitely doing some things right.