Official Wrasslin' Thread (renamed to reflect the discussion)

I just saw the New Day segment while ago.

On top of being just an overall great segment, I like that it actually touched on a bit of a plot hole that we've been expected to overlook many times in pro wrestling over the years, with Woods being all like "Now???? NOW YOU WANT TO COME BACK???" in regards to waiting until things are about to fall apart to come in and want to be a regular part of everything again.

It reminds me of various instances in the past where someone would be getting outnumbered / beaten down for weeks, and then all of a sudden, someone returns or debuts (during yet another beatdown, in all likelihood) to help that person because "they just couldn't stand by for one more second while this happened to their friend". Like....yeah, better late than never and all that, but was your DirecTV service not working for the all the other previous maulings?