Bought my first legal weed

Ive never been into weed, like many people i tried it a couple times in my teens and early 20s, but never really did anything for me.. also my father’s been a pothead all my life, and since we tend to often rebel against what our parents do- it was another reason for me to stay away from it …. BUT.. weed recently became legal here in Thailand (circa 2 or 3 yrs ago) and i am always on the lookout for sleep supplements since im a lifelong insomniac.. the supplements i swear by are Unisom SleepTabs (doxycylamine succinate) which i get over the counter and is available here in the Land of Smiles ; it’s an antihistamine like Benadryl but slightly stronger.. but the other supplement i swear by is an herbal mix i purchase on Amazon and would be super expensive to get shipped here so ive been looking for alternatives.. i found a similar supplement here in Bangkok which works pretty well and has some of the same ingredients - melatonin (which alone does nothing for me) , ashwaganda, passionflower, L theanine, hops, magnesium and others.. but at the pharmacy here I noticed they had some CBD gummies, specifically formulated for sleep, that were around the same price as the other supplement .. I haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but i will probably try them in the next month or two once i run out of the first supplement .. the good news is that employment drug testing isn’t a thing here, so even if some CBD gummies have traces of THC as they apparently do, im not sweating it .
I have a medical referral for pain - one of the biggest surprises was how much it's helped my sleep, which in turn has helped my overall mood so much. Gummies can be hit or miss though, so don't totally write it off as an option if what you have doesn't work (but I do hope it helps)