Bought my first legal weed

How long ago? Weed is now like beer, you can find something to suit your taste, from Natty Light to Belgian Trippel. If weed is legal in your state you can go to a dispensary, tell them what you're trying to accomplish from pain relief to anti-anxiety/depression and get a strain that might help.

Number of Marijuana overdoses this year - Zero

An ex friend of mine was trying to self medicate his anxiety with weed and ended up having a full blown psychotic episode that landed him in an emergency psychological ward.

It isn't completely harmless. We now have a good bit of research that shows a percentage of the population is capable of having really bad psychological reactions to the more potent modern stuff. And also that adolescents should not be using it at all as it very much forks with brain development.

I've always supported it being legalized and still do, but the amount of research we've had since it became more accessible shows it isn't the harmless miracle cure so many like to pretend it is.