Transformers One
@Optimus Prime, did you go see this? I went this evening with my daughter. I rather enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
I finally watched this over the weekend and I thought it was genuinely great. No where near as kiddie or jokey as the trailer made it look
Thought the in jokes were great "You don't have the touch or the power", the go-bots dig, "you're more than meets the eye"
Even though Cullen and Welker are forever the "real" Optimus and Megatron I thought the voices worked. the whole cast was pretty good
I thought that Pax's and D-16's close friendship felt real and genuine, I thought that D's personality and outlook changes felt believable and even understandable, D's final betrayal and turn to Megatron was heartbreaking (loved when his eyes turned red)
Honestly, I thought that this was what George Lucas was trying to achieve with Anakin and Obi-Wan in the prequels (and failed with 3 times the run time to play with)
I really hope that there is a sequel to this, even if it's straight to streaming. I'd be fine keeping it on Cybertron, no need to go to Earth
I'm really hoping for a trilogy. For 2nd film introduce more characters (Ironhide, Ratchet etc. who had cameos) and focus on either taking down the Quintessons, or expand the Autobot - Decepticon War
Final film Unicron. As much as I love the 86 movie I always wished they could have done the movie with the whole G1 cast instead of killing off everyone
And the whole trilogy could be just Transformers, maybe other alien races, no Earth, no humans